Click each image to learn more!


Rescued from Garlean-occupied territory and raised in total isolation, Eachna never quite learned how to assimilate herself within society.Her morals are dubious, her nature outré, but the champion of Eorzea can nevertheless be counted on to lend a helping hand to those she calls "friend".


A noblewoman with a heart of gold, Wastwsys used the destruction wrought by the 7th Umbral Calamity to escape the confines of an arranged marriage.She has since embraced the tumultuous life of an adventurer, traveling Eorzea with Grégoire, her stoic retainer and one true love.


Originally hailing from Tyneside in Northeastern England, Berenice was reincarnated in the body of a Viera following a sudden, fiery demise that tore her from a life of luxury.Unfortunately, Hydaelyn's newest champion has no interest in being the Warrior of Light, choosing instead to vent her frustrations on fellow adventurers in the Palaistra.


Archon, engineer, archeologist, spy: Kakayo has worn a thousand different names and lived almost as many lives. No one knows where they came from, nor where they may go next.Although blunt and rather sarcastic, allies would be hard-pressed to find anyone more steadfast and loyal... that is, if they can find them at all.

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Eachna A. D'arcy

To to know loneliness...
To to know love...

She/Her | 27 Winters | BRD

  • Phonetic: Ahk-nah Dar-cee

  • Race: Hyur Highlander [assumed]

  • Nameday: 30th Sun | 5th Astral Moon

  • Alightment: Chatotic Good

  • Orientation: Bisexual Polyamorous

The Forest Child

For most of her life, Eachna’s world stretched as far as the forest.As an infant, Eachna was rescued from a Garlean-occupied military zone and placed into the protective custody of one Awyrward Roeheidinsyn, a brilliant—and painfully shy—Sharlayan engineer. Roeheidinsyn’s aversion to society had long ago prompted him to trade his scholarly career for a peaceful hermitage in the wilds near Abalathia’s Spine. There, he could live out the end of his natural life in solitude and self-sufficiency while continuing his research into Allagan robotics. These plans changed when Kakayo Kayo—then using the name Tuturi Turi—arrived on his doorstep with the infant in tow.Roeheidinsyn agreed to care for the child until arrangements could be made for her to be placed in the care of Galuf Baldesion. But as time passed, he began to develop paternal feelings for her and decided to raise her as his own. He christened her Eachna, giving her the traditional Sea Wolf surname of Awyrwardwyn as well as a Hyuran surname.In the years that followed, Roeheidinsyn devoted his research towards the goal of imbuing an Allagan node with his aether, much in the manner of royal clones. The experiment was a success, and by the child’s third nameday Roeheidinsyn’s memories—and a good deal of his aether—were transferred into an inactive defense node. His body did not survive the process, but the now-sentient orb was able to continue raising his daughter in total isolation. He was her sole companion: parent, playmate, and protector.Eachna’s world was no taller than the mountain peaks, no wider than the gleaming band of the White Maiden on the farthest horizon. The lush foliage was her playground, the creatures of the forest her playthings. By the age of eight she was proficient with a bow, hunting meals from the safety of the pine boughs. The long hours of playtime were interspersed with a routine timetable of classes, as Roeheidinsyn insisted on giving his child a “proper” Sharlayan education despite the obvious setbacks of living in the wilds.Eachna’s first sight of the outside world was, ironically enough, Garlean; she caught sight of the Agrius as it sailed overhead on its way to the Battle of Silvertear Skies. As she grew from a rambunctious child to a boisterous woman, she found herself yearning to travel and experience the places she’d read about in the books and maps littering her family cottage.Roeheidinsyn knew that the forest would not always sate her appetite for adventure, but he attempted to temper her excitement with cautions of Eorzea’s many dangers. To his chagrin, this only served to further rouse his daughter’s curiosity.Eachna’s small world shattered during the Seventh Umbral Calamity, when the night sky burned with countless falling stars. The sight awoke the concept of anguish within her, a grief so strong that it consumed her entirely. A voice in her head spoke until her ears rang, a pounding ache erupting behind her eyes that left her staggering in pain. That night, snow began to fall where it had never fallen before. By week’s end, the green forest was buried beneath ice sheets thicker than man’s forearm. The glacial winter had begun.The youth of nineteen winters, who had once been so sunny, was now silent and withdrawn. She weathered the eternal winter, but she did not thrive. Her pale face thinned as rations grew scarce, her laughter exchanged for pensive silence and somber smiles. For five years she managed to survive the snow, but on her twenty-fourth nameday she announced her decision to travel to the Gridanian Archer’s Guild. As a child of Oschon, she hoped to hone her skills before traveling the world in search of answers.Who was this voice that called to her in dreams? Who implored her to hear, to think, to feel?She vowed she would not rest until she learned all there was to know.

Wastswys Keltberkwyn

Do not seek forgiveness, for it will not ease the burden. It weighs as it should.

She/Her | 37 Winters | SMN/SCH

  • Phonetic: Vas-t-vees Kelt-berk-vin

  • Race: Roegadyn Sea Wolf

  • Nameday: 18th Sun | 3rd Astral Moon

  • Alightment: Neutral Good

  • Orientation: Asexual

The Elegant Lady

Kakayo Kayo

So, shall I cast caution to the wind and try something reckless and dramatic?

Any Pronouns | Unknown Age | Rogue

  • Phonetic: Ka-ka-yo Ka-yo

  • Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell

  • Nameday: 28th Sun | 5th Umbral Moon

  • Alightment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Orientation: Trans Aromantic Asexual

The Sharlayan Spy